Our Impact
Since inception, we have achieved measurable impact across all investment strategies. The outcomes associated with their metrics are further described in our latest Impact Report.
Environment & Climate
62 Distributed solar assets financed
2 Carbon farming projects financed
21,717 MWh of renewable energy generated - equivalent to 17,079 tonnes of CO₂
Corresponding UN Sustainable Development Goals

Health & Education
114 Specialist Disability Accommodation apartments financed
219 Primary school children supported to engage in school¹
23 Children reunified with their families¹
97 Children in the out-of-home care system supported¹
46 Seniors housing dwellings financed²
Corresponding UN Sustainable Development Goals

Social Infrastructure
270 Social and affordable housing dwellings financed
2,441 Provided mezzanine financing for 2,441 affordable housing dwellings²
Corresponding UN Sustainable Development Goals

1. CIM has invested alongside a syndicate of investors through a social impact bond arrangement.
2. CIM has invested alongside a syndicate of investors, with the numbers shown on this page representing CIM’s pro rata share of assets.